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Web-Based Teaching and Learning System

Date : December 17-22, 2012   /
Venue : Chennai, India   /
Program Type: In-Country Program   /
Collaborating Organization: NITTTR Chennai  /

The main contents of the in-country program are as follows:

Module 1: Introduction toWeb-Based Media Resources in Teaching & Learning

  • Integrating multimedia & ICT in teaching and learning system;
  • Emergence of new web media resources in teaching and learning;
  • Issues & challenges in developing web-based media resources in TVET Sector.

Module 2: Rapid E-Learning Development Using Adobe Creative Suite

  • Understand and appreciate the value of Adobe Creative Suite as a tool in developing E-learning contents;
  • Produce instructional/informational materials that cover basic and interactive presentations combined with recorded narrations and other rich media elements;
  • Deploy the learning resource in Learning Management System-ready packages.

Module 3: Learning Management System with Moodle

  • Basic Concept and Characteristics of LMS;
  • Installation and Customization of Moodle;
  • E-Learning Content uploading to Moodle Server;
  • Design and Create quizzes.


Training Needs Analysis in TVET

Date : December 10-14, 2012   /
Venue : UNIVOTEC, Rathmalana, Sri Lanka   /
Program Type: In-Country Program   /
Collaborating Organization: Department of Technical Education & Training (DTET), Ministry of Youth Affairs, Sri Lanka  /

The main contents of the in-country program are as follows:

Module 1: Introduction to Training Needs Analysis in TVET Sector

  • Training Needs Analysis : Fundamental, Principles and Approaches
  • Issues, Concerns & Challenges in TNA in TVET Sector
  • Training Needs Analysis : Tools, Techniques and Process
  • Initiatives and Strategies for TNA in Developing Training Course in the context of Sri Lanka

Module 2: Developing Training Needs Analysis in TVET system

  • Designing Training Program
  • Evaluating Training Program
  • Best Action Models and practices of TNA in Sri Lanka
  • Developing Strategies for TNA system in TVET sector

Task and Action planning

  • Issues, Concerns and Challenges Using TNA in TVET Sector
  • Developing TNA Instrument & Strategies for Use in TVET Sector
  • Developing Training Program for the Employee
  • Action Plan on TNA Project in TVET Sector

Expected Outcome

  1. Emergent approaches for integrating TNA for TVET Sector
  2. Action plan with a special vision for TNA project in TVET Sector


Champion Leaders Development Program for TVET Skills for Employability

Date : November 26-30, 2012   /
Venue : Perlis, Malaysia   /
Program Type: Special In-Country Program on   /
Collaborating Organization: Department of Polytechnic Education, Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia  /

There are altogether three modules, which are described in detail with objectives, approaches and contents.

Promoting TVET Skills for Poverty Alleviation

Generic Skills for Employability Stimulating Technical & Social entrepreneurship skills for Poverty alleviation

The delivery of the program design follows a spiral learning approach, beginning with an overview of core concepts and followed by progressively deeper application of the concepts and finally a self-directed learning approach through action planning.

Module 1: Promoting TVET Skills for Poverty Alleviation

  • Modular Employable TVET Skills in Skills for Poverty Alleviation
  • Current initiatives & innovative practices for Poverty Alleviation
  • TVET Skills for Poverty Alleviation : conceptual frameworks and initiatives
  • Methodology of identification of major TVET skills intervention for Poverty Alleviation
  • Designing TVET skills modular program and instructional material

Module 2: Generic Skills Development for Employability

  • Identification of major generic skills intervention for Employability
  • Designing learning experiences and instructional material for generic skills development
  • Higher order thinking skills (adapting to change, problem-solving, creativity, decision-making, learning how to learn)
  • Interpersonal and team skills (communication, co-operation, negotiation/conflict resolution, leadership, and dealing with diversity)

Module 3: Stimulating Social Entrepreneurship Skills for Poverty Alleviation

  • Key perspectives on poverty alleviation through social entrepreneurship
  • Business planning and budgeting
  • Challenges and issues in promoting entrepreneurship
  • Identification of areas for technical and social entrepreneurship in service sector
  • Best action models and practices for poverty alleviation

Expected Outcome

  • Emergent approaches for integrating TVET Skills for Poverty alleviation
  • Action plan with a special vision for SDPA project in TVET Sector


Building Capacity in Educational Leadership and Management in the ASEAN Community

Date : 15-19 October 2012   /
Venue : Manila, Philippines   /
Program Type: Customized Program   /
Collaborating Organization: Thai Education Society  /

The main contents of the in-country program are as follows:

Special Lecture - Challenges in Education Towards the Realization of ASEAN Community 2015

Module 1. Basic Concepts of Educational Management and Quality Instruction

  • Preparing the Education Sector for ASEAN Community 2015
  • Educational Excellence through Accreditation, Quality Management and Strategic Human Resource
  • Management of Curriculum and Supported Learning Environment & Instruction in ASEAN Community

Module 2. Comparative Review of Educational Management Approaches in ASEAN Region: Case study on Philippine - Based Institutions

  • Knowledge Management System for teaching and learning organizations in the context of Philippines


Curriculum Development Program for Technical Education

Date :  October 1-5, 2012   /
Venue :  Yangon, Myanmar   /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The main contents of the in-country program are as follows:


-Expert’s Lecture: Emerging Trends in Industry
-Theme Paper 1: Introduction to Competency-Based Curriculum
-Theme Paper 2: Identification of Competencies
-Theme Paper 3: Development of Competency Standards Using Delphi Approach
-Action Planning for Competency-Based Curriculum in TVET

Applying DACUM and Delphi Approaches to TVET Curriculum Design

-Task 1: Emergent and Current Trends Affecting TVET
-Task 2: Duty-Task List and Analysis Sheet using DACUM
-Task 3: Developing Competency Standards

Development of a Learning Package: Content and Structure

-Project Work on Competency-Based Training Package

Action Planning for a CBC in TVET

-Action Planning for Developing Competency-Based Curriculum in TVET


Total Quality Management in TVET

Date :  September 17-21, 2012   /
Venue :  Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia   /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The in-country program will provide a basic understanding of Total Quality Management. It will also utilize the knowledge and experience of both resource persons and the participants for implementing a sustainable TQM model in their respective TVET institutions and thereby creating impact on the national quality efforts for the improvement of the TVET system. Definitions, origins, concepts, principals, standards and strategies of TQM and related quality tools will be thoroughly discussed.

The main contents of the in-country program are as follows:


-Special Lecture: Accreditation as a Quality Assurance Mechanism for Cross Border Mobility
-Theme Paper 1: Total Quality Management: Its Evolution and Application in the Context of TVET System
-Theme Paper 2: Implementing TQM Process of TVET Institutions in Mongolia
-Theme Paper 3: Applying Quality Improvement Mechanism and Tools in Managing TVET Institutions
-Theme Paper 4: Quality Management Through Productivity Enhancement of TVET Institutions in Mongolia
-Theme Paper 5: Action Planning for TQM in TVET
Applications of TQM Methods

-Task 1: Assess requirements for developing a quality assurance system model for TVET
-Task 2: Application of TQM Tools and Techniques
-Task 3: Developing Strategies for productivity enhancement in TVET Institution
Action Planning for a TVET QMS Project

-Action Plan for Establishing Framework for TQM in TVET Institution


CPSC - Korea Tech Special Internship Program

Date :  July 2-19, 2012   /
Venue :   Manila, Philippines    /
Program Type: Customized Program  /

The main program contents are as follows:


-Theme Paper 1: Principles and Techniques in Generic Skills Development for the Global Economy
-Theme Paper 2: Effective Communication in the Workplace
-Theme Paper 3: Cross Cultural Understanding
-Theme Paper 4: Overview of Planning Research in TVET System
-Theme Paper 5: Teamwork Culture for Productivity and Competitiveness
-Theme Paper 6: Research Tools and Techniques
-Expert Lecture: Solar Technology for Green Energy

Mini Lectures

-Mini Lecture 1: Developing Confidence in Public Speaking
-Mini Lecture 2: Constructive and Effective Verbal and Written Communication Skills
-Mini Lecture 3: Job Interview Skills


-Task 1: Critical and Lateral Thinking Exercises
-Task 2: Task on Effective Communication
-Task 3: Pronunciation Drills
-Task 4A: Writing Official Letters and Memoranda
-Task 4B: Writing Application Letter and Resume
-Task 5: Mock Panel Interview
-Task 6: Identification of Potential Areas for Research
-Task 7: Identifying Different Team Role
-Task 8: Development of Proposal for Research in TVET System

Industry Immersion at Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation

Industrial Visit 1

Socio – Cultural Events

-Cultural Visit 1: Trip to Taal Volcano/Tagaytay City Tour
-Cultural Visit 2: Trip to Hidden Valley Resort
-Welcome Dinner
-Farewell Dinner


Academia - Industry Linkage in TVET

Date : July 2-6, 2012  /
Venue :  Kabul, Afghanistan   /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

This training program comprises of a special lecture and two modules and will cover the following contents:

Special Lecture: National Policies Linking TVET with Economic Expansion and TVET Best Practices in CPSC Member Countries

Module 1: Introduction to Academia-Industry Linkages in TVET

-Academia-Industry Linkages in the Perspective of Dynamic Workplace
-Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in TVET for Achieving Enhanced Relevance of Skills

Module 2: Industry Perspective and Best Practices

-Academia-Industry Linkage: Industry Perspective
-Innovative Models and Approaches to Academia-Industry Linkage in the Modern World
-Panel Discussions on Academia-Industry Linkages in TVET sector

Tasks and Action Planning

-Issues, concerns and challenges in building Academia-Industry Linkage in TVET sector of Afghanistan
-Developing strategies for enhancing Academia-Industry Linkage in TVET sector of Afghanistan
-Case study on “Transforming TVET Institution into Excellence through Industry Partnership”
-Action plans for developing linkages and partnerships with the industry sector in the development and management of TVET institutions ( Project Work)


Accreditation and Certification of TVET Institutions

Date :  June 25-29, 2012   /
Venue :  NISTE, Islamabad, Pakistan   /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The delivery of the program design follows a spiral learning approach, beginning with an overview of core concepts and followed by progressively deeper application of the concepts and finally, a self-directed learning approach through action planning.

The main contents of the program are:

-Regional Accreditation and Certification: A Response to Global Trends
-Concepts and Philosophies of Accreditation
-National Accreditation and Certification System in Pakistan.
-Accreditation criteria, Indicators and their Interpretation
-Applying the accreditation criteria
-Alternative Approaches for TVET Quality and Excellence
-Achieving Sustainability in TVET through Quality Assurance

Hereunder is the detailed modular design of the program:

[Day 1] Module 1:

-Special Lecture: Regional Accreditation and Certification: A Response to Global Trends
-Theme Paper 1: Concepts and Philosophies in Building TVET Excellence through Accreditation and Certification
-CPSC Expert 1: Video presentation on APACC.
-Group Task 1. Benefits and Issues in Implementation of Accreditation, determine strategies using SWOT analysis/ -Gap Analysis using APACC Criteria

[Day 2] Module 2: Local Accreditation practices and Alternative Approaches to Quality Assuarance in TVET

-Local Expert: Theme Paper 2: National Accreditation and Certification System: the case of NAVTEC accreditation -Theme paper : Alternative approaches to quality assurance in TVET
-Group Task 2 Local In-Vogue practices for accreditation and Certification.
-Group Task 3: Comparison and Suitability of QMS for Local TVET System Proces

[Day 3] Module 3: APACC Criteria and Certification and accreditation System

-Theme paper: Accreditation criteria, Indicators and their Interpretation
-Local Expert:Theme Paper 3: Certification, Accreditation , assessment and articulation arrangement in Pakistan
-Group Task 4. Preparing Self -Study Report for an Institute
-Study Visit: Higher Education Commission accreditation System, Inter-Board Committee of Chairmen(IBBC), NAVTTC -headquarter/ National accreditation Agency for Vogue practices for qualification System, Issues and bottleneck.

[Day 4] “APACC Criteria and Certification and Accreditation ”

-Theme Paper: Applying the Accreditation Process
-Group Task 4: Issues related to code of conduct for Accreditation Process

[Day 5] Project Work and Preparation of Action Plan:

-Project Work and Action Planning for “Reorienting TVET System for Quality and Excellence through Accreditation and Certification”


Developing E-Learning Content in TVET

Date : Apr. 10-14, 2012  /
Venue : University of South Pacific, Suva, Republic of Fiji  /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The delivery of the program design follows a spiral learning approach, beginning with an overview of core concepts and followed by progressively deeper application of the concepts and finally a self-directed learning approach through action planning.

Module 1. Concepts on the Use of ICT-based Education
- Beginning E-Learning Content Development
- Managing E-Learning Projects
- Planning with Storyboards

Module 2. Using Tools as Building Blocks for E-Learning Development
- Image Editing with Photoshop
- Rapid E-Learning Development using Adobe Captivate
- Creating Online Quizzes
- Introduction to Learning Management Systems

Project Work: Integrated E-Learning Prototype


Competency Based Curriculum Development

Date : Apr. 2-6, 2012  /
Venue : Technical Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI), Kathmandu, Nepal  /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The delivery of the program design follows a spiral learning approach, beginning with an overview of core concepts and followed by progressively deeper application of the concepts and finally a self-directed learning approach through action planning.

Special Lecture: TVET Educators for New Global economy

Module 1: Introduction to Competency-Based Curriculum for TVET system
- Basic components of Competency-Based Curriculum Development
- Conceptual foundations of Competency
- Occupational Analysis
- Competency standards
- Emerging Challenges and Issues in implementing competency based curriculum for TVET

Module 2: Developing Competency-Based Curriculum and Assessment in TVET
- DACUM as an Approach to Competency Development
- Instructional Competencies Perspectives on Teaching and Formulating Objectives
- The initiatives and directions towards competency based training for TVET in Nepal
- Competency-based Assessment Process

Action Plan: Development of Competency-Based Training Package for identified Course/ program.


Capacity Building of Champion Leaders Development Program

Date : Mar. 18-22, 2012  /
Venue : Yangon, Myanmar  /
Program Type: Special In-Country Program  /

There are altogether three modules, which are described in detail with objectives, approaches and contents.
- Promoting TVET Skills for Poverty Alleviation
- Generic Skills for Employability
- Stimulating Technical & Social entrepreneurship skills for Poverty alleviation

The delivery of the program design follows a spiral learning approach, beginning with an overview of core concepts and followed by progressively deeper application of the concepts and finally a self-directed learning approach through action planning.

Module 1: Promoting TVET Skills for Poverty Alleviation
- Modular Employable TVET Skills in Skills for Poverty Alleviation
- Current initiatives & innovative practices for Poverty Alleviation
- TVET Skills for Poverty Alleviation : conceptual frameworks and initiatives
- Methodology of identification of major TVET skills intervention for Poverty Alleviation
- Designing TVET skills  modular program and instructional material

Module 2: Generic Skills Development for Employability
- Identification of major generic skills intervention for Employability
- Designing learning experiences and instructional material for generic skills development
- Higher order thinking skills (adapting to change, problem-solving, creativity, decision-making, learning how to learn)
- Interpersonal and team skills (communication, co-operation, negotiation/conflict resolution, leadership, and dealing with diversity)

Module 3: Stimulating Social Entrepreneurship Skills for Poverty Alleviation
- Key perspectives on poverty alleviation through social entrepreneurship
- Business planning and budgeting
- Challenges and issues in promoting entrepreneurship
- Identification of areas for technical and social entrepreneurship in service sector
- Best action models and practices for poverty alleviation

Expected Outcome
- Emergent approaches for integrating TVET Skills for Poverty alleviation
- Action plan with a special vision for SDPA project in TVET Sector


Entrepreneurship Education in TVET

Date : Mar. 12-16, 2012  /
Venue : Angthong Technical College, Angthong, Thailand  /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The delivery of the program design follows a spiral learning approach, beginning with an overview of core concepts and followed by progressively deeper application of the concepts and finally a self-directed learning approach through action planning.

Module 1: Introduction to Entrepreneurship Education in TVET System
- TVET Educators for New Global economy
- An Overview of Entrepreneurship Education in TVET
- Issues and Challenges of Entrepreneurship Education in TVET Sector
- Trend of Entrepreneurship Education

Module 2: Development of Entrepreneurship Education in TVET
- Model of Promotion of Entrepreneurship Education in TVET
- Stimulating Social Entrepreneurship in TVET Sector
- Best Action Model and Practices of Entrepreneurship Education for TVET in Thailand
- Business Plan Preparation


Strategic Planning and Management of TVET Institutions

Date : Feb. 27 - Mar. 2, 2012  /
Venue : Manila, Philippines  /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The delivery of the program design shall follow a spiral learning approach, beginning with an overview of core concepts and followed by progressively deeper application of the concepts and finally, a self-directed learning approach through action planning.

The main contents of the program are:
* Introduction to Strategic Planning and Management Process
* Initiating the Strategic Planning Process for TTIs
* Strategic Directions for TESDA TTIs in the Philippines
* Quality Tools in Strategic Planning
* Developing Strategic Planning Framework