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CPSC ICT Capabilty Video

Emerging Trends in Teaching and Learning in ICT Era

Location : NITTTR Kolkata, India /
Duration : 24 May 2010 to 2 June 2010 /
Program Type: Regional Program  /

Module 1. Concepts on the Use of ICT-based Pedagogy
-Introduction to the Web Based Teaching and Learning System
-Workshop on The Science & Art of Creative Teaching
-Country Paper Presentations

Module 2. Using Tools as Building Blocks for Integrated Learning Content
-Rapid E-Learning Development using Adobe Captivate
-Introduction to Learning Management Systems
-Integrating E-Learning with Moodle
-International Seminar on "ICT in Education: Issues and Challenges"


Project Management for TVET Institutions

Location : Ministry of Education, Fiji Islands /
Duration : 11 May 2010 to 15 May 2010 /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

Special Lecture: "Emerging Trends, Issues and Challenges in TVET in
Asia Pacific Region: CPSC's Response"

Module 1- Project Management Concepts and Application
-Project Management Concepts and Application for TVET
-Introduction to Project Feasibility

Module 2- Project Management for TVET Program
-Project Planning, Implementation and Evaluation
-Project Management System and the Role of Project Manager

Module 3- Introduction to Project Management Software
-Overview of MS Project
-Project Proposal Making