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Competency-Based Curriculum Development

Date : Feb. 17-26, 2008  /  
Venue : Male, Maldives  /  
Program Type: In-Country Program  /  

Special Lecture : Emerging Trends in Industry Institute Partnership in Asia and the Pacific Countries 

Module 1.  General Concepts of Competency-Based Curriculum 
- Context, Nature and Issues in Competency-Based Curriculum 
- Identification of Competencies: Techniques for Occupational Analysis

Module 2.  Development of Standards, Learning Package and Assessment and Evaluation  
- Development of Standards: The Groundwork of Competencies Passport
- Development of Learning Package: Content and Structure 
- Competency-Based Assessment and Evaluation 

Task 1: Develop a Duty-Task List and Task Analysis Sheet for an Occupation using   DACUM Approach
Task 2: Developing Competency Standards 
Task 3: Writing and Sequencing Terminal Performance objectives and Developing a learning package
Task 4: Development of Assessment Materials  

Project: Development of a sample Competency-Based Training Package