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TVET for Sustainable Development

Location : CPSC, Manila, Philippines /
Duration : 24 November 2008 to 29 November 2008 /
Program Type: Regional Program  /

The delivery of the program design follows a spiral learning approach, beginning with an overview of core concepts and followed by progressively deeper application of the concepts and finally a self-directed learning approach through action planning.

Special Lecture : Emerging Trends in TVET and their impact on Sustainable Development
Module 1. Reorienting TVET for Sustainable Development

    - Theme Paper 1: TVET for Social Sustainability
    - Theme Paper 2: TVET for Economic and Environmental Sustainability

Module 2. Redefining TVET Curriculum for Sustainable Development

    - Theme Paper 3: Integrating Sustainable Development in TVET Curriculum

Panel Discussion on: (Initial ideas for Topics)


Integrating ICT Practices for Teaching and Learning Systems

Location : CPSC, Manila, Philippines /
Duration : 3 November 2008 to 4 November 2008 /
Program Type: Customized Program  /

The in-country program will provide a basic understanding of the best practices of E-Learning taking place at the global and regional level through the utilization of ICT. It will sharpen the knowledge and experience of the participants for generation of E-Learning materials that will impact the national TVET learning process system. In addition, there will be a seminar on ICT in Education. At the end of the program, the participants are expected to prepare a stand alone teaching and learning system that can be deployed throughout the TVET sector.

The main contents of the in-country program are as follows:

Special Lecture: Best Practices of using ICT in Asia and the Pacific Region

Module 1. Basic concepts of ICT-based Education and Training

    - Integrating Multimedia & ICT in Teaching & Learning System
    - New Science of Teaching and Learning
    - Managing E-Learning Project Life Cycles
    - Philippine ICT Roadmap

Module 2. Utilizing Authoring Tools to Create Instructional Building Blocks

    - Modeling ICT Development in Education
    - Integrating KM with ICT for Teaching and Learning Systems
    - Creating Images using Tools
    - Introduction to Animation
    - Generating Flash animations for Training
    - Rapid E-Learning Development using Adobe Captivate

Module 3. Using Web Tools for Delivery of Integrated Learning Content

    - ICT Skills Requirements 7 Paradigm Shifts
    - Using Web Server for hosting E-Learning
    - Introduction to Moodle
    - Integrating E-Learning with Moodle
    - ICT Skills Requirements 7 Paradigm Shifts


Building Capacity on Educational Leadership and Management

Location : CPSC, Manila, Philippines /
Duration : 8 September 2008 to 19 September 2008 /
Program Type: Customized Program  /

In the world today, change is exponential; the most dynamic feature of this change is technology. The shift from conventional to technology-based instructions imposes inevitable transformations, upgradation and orientation on the way educational institutions and instructions are managed and made to adapt to changes.

Similarly, the classroom environment is fast changing because of the changing landscape of the world at large. New approaches to institutional management and learning are rapidly catching up and taking over traditional management approaches.

It is said that "Education is the sovereign remedy for all economic ills; the higher the standard of education and science applied to industrial calling, the greater the wealth produced". This speaks of realization of importance of adjusting pedagogical paradigms to meet learning needs and outcomes.

The program emphasizes advanced levels of academic challenge in pursuit of quality and excellence in education. It incorporates sound leadership and quality culture for effective decision making, enabling them to become positive change agents in the attainment of learning objectives.


Capacity Building and Study Visit of TVET Officials from Maldives

Location : CPSC, Manila, Philippines /
Duration : 17 August 2008 to 23 August 2008 /
Program Type: Customized Program  /

Human resource at the micro level is an important asset of any organization. The potential and capabilities of the human resource must be harnessed and fully utilized in order to support an organization in achieving competitive advantage. At the macro level, the importance of high quality human resources for achieving the national competitiveness can not also be undermined.

Human resource development (HRD) plays an important role in achieving sustainable development. It is a process of increasing the knowledge, skills and capacity of the people in a society. As Peter Drucker observed, "We now know that the source of wealth is something specifically human: knowledge. If we apply knowledge to tasks we already know how to do, we call it 'productivity'. If we apply knowledge to tasks that are new and different, we call it 'innovation'. Only knowledge allows us to achieve these two goals".


Career Guidance and Counseling for TVET

Location : College of Textile Technology, Tejgaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh /
Duration : 7 August 2008 to 14 August 2008 /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

Special Lecture : Emerging Trends in Asia Pacific Region and Skills Development in TVET

Module 1. Career Guidance and Planning
- Career Guidance
- Self Assessment and Career Planning
- Career Information and Placement Services

Module 2. Counseling and Generic Skills
- Counseling in TVET
- Entrepreneurship as Career Option
- Writing Job Resume and Preparing for Interview


Total Quality Management for TVET Institutions

Location : Port Moresby Business College, Papua New Guinea /
Duration : 28 July 2008 to 1 August 2008 /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

Component 1. Principles and Strategies
- Theme Paper Presentation 1: Total Quality Management: Definition, Origin and Philosophy
- Theme Paper Presentation 2: Starting and Implementing the TQM Process
- Theme Paper Presentation 3. Quality Management in TVET Institutions
- Theme Paper Presentation 4: Quality Management Systems for TVET: ISO Principles and Standards
- Application of 5S in TVET through Quick Reference Guide

Component 2. Applications of TQM Methods
- Task 1: Application of PDCA in TVET
- Task 2: Application of TQM Tools and Techniques
- Task 3: Framework for Implementing 5S in TVET

Component 3. Action Planning for a TVET QMS Project
- Project Work: Establishing TQM in a TVET Institution


TVET for Sustainable Development and Social Equity

Location : Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi (RMUTT), Bangkok, Thailand /
Duration : 7 July 2008 to 12 July 2008 /
Program Type: Regional Program  /

Special Lecture : Integrating Sustainable Development in TVET Curriculum

Module 1. TVET for Sustainable Development
- Application of Knowledge Management in TVET for Sustainable Development
- TVET for Environmental Sustainability

Module 2. TVET for Social Equity
- TVET for Social Sustainability
- Technical Entrepreneurship for Poverty Alleviation and Social Equity


Integrating ICT with TVET Systems

Location : CPSC, Manila, Philippines /
Duration : 19 May 2008 to 30 May 2008 /
Program Type: Regional Program  /

Special Lecture. Emerging Trends in ICT-based Education & Training

Module 1. Utilizing Authoring Tools to create Multimedia Building Blocks
- Managing E-Learning Project Life Cycles
- Techniques in Designing Graphic Interface with Photoshop
- Introduction to Animation
- Generating Flash Animations for Training
- Knowledge Management for TVET: Why, What and How
- Rapid E-Learning Development using Adobe Captivate

Module 2. Using Web Tools for Delivery of Integrated Learning Content
- Using a Web Server for hosting E-Learning
- Integrating E-Learning Building Blocks with Dreamweaver
- Introduction to Moodle
- Designing Effective Blended Learning: A Pedagogic Approach
- ICT for TVET in Alleviating Rural Poverty


Competency-Based Education and Training

Location : Suva, Fiji /
Duration : 29 April 2008 to 3 May 2008 /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

Special Lecture : Emerging Trends in Industry Institute Partnership in Asia and the Pacific Countries

Module 1. General Concepts of Competency-Based Education and Training
- Understanding Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET)
- Identification of Competencies: Techniques for Occupational Analysis
- Competency Frameworks in CBET

Module 2. Standards and Learning Package and Best Practices
- Development of Standards: The Groundwork of Competencies Passport
- Development of Learning Package: Content and Structure
- Best Practices and Trends in CBET and Model CBC for TVET


Repositioning TVET Institutions through Knowledge Management

Location : The Summit Hotel, Subang Jaya USJ, Selangor, Malaysia /
Duration : 21 April 2008 to 2 May 2008 /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

Special Lecture: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Networking: A Strategic Approach 

Module 1. Knowledge Management in TVET 
- Basic Concepts and Application of Knowledge Management in TVET 
- Management of TVET Institutions Knowledge Processes and Systems 
- LMIS for Training Needs Identification for Knowledge Workers 

Module 2. Knowledge Management Techniques, Systems and Tools 
- Learning Organization and Knowledge Management 
- KM Techniques, Systems and Tools 
- Knowledge Management in Web Based Teaching and Learning System


Training Needs Assessment (TNA) in TVET Systems

Location :Islamabad, Pakistan /
Duration :7 April 2008 to 19 April 2008 /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The main contents of the in-country program are as follows:

- Fundamentals of TNA
- Applications of TNA in TVET
- TNA in the Context of Strategic Planning and Management
- TNA Methods, Techniques and Tools for Developmental Change
- Developing Suitable Instruments for Obtaining Data and Administering TNA
- The TNA Approach: Evolving the TNA Framework in the Context of Organizational Needs
- Translating TNA Data into Training Plan Reports and Training Proposals


Competency-Based Curriculum Development

Date : Feb. 17-26, 2008  /  
Venue : Male, Maldives  /  
Program Type: In-Country Program  /  

Special Lecture : Emerging Trends in Industry Institute Partnership in Asia and the Pacific Countries 

Module 1.  General Concepts of Competency-Based Curriculum 
- Context, Nature and Issues in Competency-Based Curriculum 
- Identification of Competencies: Techniques for Occupational Analysis

Module 2.  Development of Standards, Learning Package and Assessment and Evaluation  
- Development of Standards: The Groundwork of Competencies Passport
- Development of Learning Package: Content and Structure 
- Competency-Based Assessment and Evaluation 

Task 1: Develop a Duty-Task List and Task Analysis Sheet for an Occupation using   DACUM Approach
Task 2: Developing Competency Standards 
Task 3: Writing and Sequencing Terminal Performance objectives and Developing a learning package
Task 4: Development of Assessment Materials  

Project: Development of a sample Competency-Based Training Package


Poverty Alleviation through Promotion of Entrepreneurship

Date : Jan. 21-27, 2008  /
Venue : CPSC, Manila, Philippines  /
Program Type: Regional Program  /

Special Lecture: Emerging Trends in TVET in the Asia Pacific Region and CPSC's Response

Module 1.
- Entrepreneurship as a Blue Ocean Strategy for Poverty Alleviation
- Achievement Motivation Training for Developing Entrepreneurial Personality
- Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Globalized Economy

Module 2.
- TVET for Rural Entrepreneurship amongst Women for Poverty Alleviation
- Business Plan Preparation
- Management of SMEs

Task 1 : TVET Response to Poverty Alleviation (Asia Pacific Countries Experiences)
Task 2: AMT Exercise
Task 3: Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Asia Pacific Region
Task 4: Identification of Enterprise Set -up and Management Issues

Project: Action Plan for Promotion of Entrepreneurship in TVET Institutions

Field Visit: UP ISSI and UP Ayala Technology Business Incubator


Project Management for TVET Institutions

Date : December 31, 2007 - January 11, 2008   /
Venue : Yangon, Myanmar   /
Program Type: In-Country Program   /
Collaborating Organization: DTVE and MOST, Government of the Union of Myanmar  /

The program has been divided into four modules presented through the following modules:

Module 1:

  • Modern Management Concepts;
  • Management Applications in TVET;
  • Structured Learning Exercises.

Module 2:

  • Introduction to Project Management
  • Project Management Systems;

Module 3:

  • Project Planning;
  • Project Implementation;
  • Project Evaluation;

Module 4:

  • Introduction to Project Management Software.

Module 5:

  • Overview of MS Project 2003.