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CPSC – Korea Tech Special Internship Program

Date : Jan. 8 - 26, 2014   /
Venue : CPSC, Philippines   /
Program Type: Customized Program   /
Collaborating Organization: Korea University of Technology and Education, Cheonan, Republic of Korea  /

The main program contents are as follows:

Lectures and Presentations

  • Theme Paper 1: Teamwork Culture for Productivity and Competitiveness
  • Theme Paper 2: Effective Communication in the Workplace
  • Theme Paper 3: Developing Confidence in Public Speaking and Enhancing Presentation Skills
  • Theme Paper 4: Entrepreneurship Development in TVET: Perspectives and Current Practices
  • Theme Paper 5: Important Tips in Making and Presenting Researches

Special Lecture:

  • Special Lecture 1: Skills for Life

Mini Lectures:

  • Mini Lecture 1: Job Interview Skills
  • Mini Lecture 2: Cross-cultural Understanding


  • Task 1: Analysis of Team Role Composition
  • Task 2: Writing the Memo
  • Task 3: Pass the Message and Non-Verbal Communication Skills
  • Task 4: Resume Writing
  • Task 5: Mock Panel Interview
  • Task 6: Development of Proposal for Research in TVET System
  • Task 7: Preparation of Immersion Report

Learning Exercises

  • Learning Exercise 1: Critical Thinking Exercises
  • Learning Exercise 2: Pronunciation Drills
  • Learning Exercise 3: Cross-Cultural Understanding Exercises

Training on In Case of Emergency/ Workplace Innovation on Safety and Health (ICE/WISH)

Industry Immersion at Toyota Motor Philippines Corporation

Industrial Visit at GBF Learning Development Center

Study Visits:

  • University of the Philippines - Diliman
  • Technohub Clean Air Asia

Socio – Cultural Events

  • Cultural Visit 1: Trip to Hidden Valley Resort
  • Cultural Visit 2: Trip to Tagaytay City
  • Cultural Visit 3: Trip to Corregidor Island
  • Welcome Dinner
  • Farewell Dinner