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Research and Development in TVET

Date : Dec. 19-23, 2011  /
Venue : Colombo, Sri Lanka  /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The delivery of the program design follows a spiral learning approach, beginning with an overview of core concepts and followed by progressively deeper application of the concepts and finally a self-directed learning approach through action planning.

Module 1: Overview of Planning Research in TVET System
- Conceptual foundations of research and development
- Planning educational research in TVET
- Identification of potential areas for research in TVET

Module 2: Introduction to Research in TVET
- Research tools & techniques in TVET
- Developing tools and instruments for research in TVET
- Common errors & Practical tips in conducting Research in TVET

Module 3: Using SPSS in TVET System
- SPSS for Research in TVET System
- Data encoding and classification
- Basic data analysis and interpretation
- Advanced data analysis (ANOVA, f-test, t-test, regression)
- Analyzing data and interpreting results and research writing