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Public-Private Community Partnership in TVET

Location : TITI Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Nepal /
Duration : 4 April 2011 to 8 April 2011 /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The delivery of the program design follows a spiral learning approach, begins with an overview of core concepts and followed by progressively deeper application of the concepts and finally, a self-directed learning approach through action planning.

Special Lecture: Industry-Institute Interaction to Public-Private Partnership: A Journey to Excellence

Module-1: An Introduction to Public-Private Community Partnership in TVET;
- Overview of public-private community partnership
- Building multi-stakeholder partnership in TVET

Module -2: Developing Public-Private Community Partnership for TVET;
- Promoting green public private partnership
- Innovative models and approaches in PPCP
- Best practices and approaches on PPCB in Nepal
- PPCP: Industry perspective

Task and Action planning;
- Issues, concern and challenges in fostering PPCP in TVET institute
- Developing Strategies for enhancing multi-stakeholder partnership in TVET
- Case study on “Transforming TVET institution into excellence through partnership”
- Prepare an action plan for developing partnership with the private sector in the development and management of   TVET institutions