
Curriculum Development Program for Technical Education

Date :  October 1-5, 2012   /
Venue :  Yangon, Myanmar   /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The main contents of the in-country program are as follows:


-Expert’s Lecture: Emerging Trends in Industry
-Theme Paper 1: Introduction to Competency-Based Curriculum
-Theme Paper 2: Identification of Competencies
-Theme Paper 3: Development of Competency Standards Using Delphi Approach
-Action Planning for Competency-Based Curriculum in TVET

Applying DACUM and Delphi Approaches to TVET Curriculum Design

-Task 1: Emergent and Current Trends Affecting TVET
-Task 2: Duty-Task List and Analysis Sheet using DACUM
-Task 3: Developing Competency Standards

Development of a Learning Package: Content and Structure

-Project Work on Competency-Based Training Package

Action Planning for a CBC in TVET

-Action Planning for Developing Competency-Based Curriculum in TVET