
Total Quality Management in TVET

Date :  September 17-21, 2012   /
Venue :  Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia   /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The in-country program will provide a basic understanding of Total Quality Management. It will also utilize the knowledge and experience of both resource persons and the participants for implementing a sustainable TQM model in their respective TVET institutions and thereby creating impact on the national quality efforts for the improvement of the TVET system. Definitions, origins, concepts, principals, standards and strategies of TQM and related quality tools will be thoroughly discussed.

The main contents of the in-country program are as follows:


-Special Lecture: Accreditation as a Quality Assurance Mechanism for Cross Border Mobility
-Theme Paper 1: Total Quality Management: Its Evolution and Application in the Context of TVET System
-Theme Paper 2: Implementing TQM Process of TVET Institutions in Mongolia
-Theme Paper 3: Applying Quality Improvement Mechanism and Tools in Managing TVET Institutions
-Theme Paper 4: Quality Management Through Productivity Enhancement of TVET Institutions in Mongolia
-Theme Paper 5: Action Planning for TQM in TVET
Applications of TQM Methods

-Task 1: Assess requirements for developing a quality assurance system model for TVET
-Task 2: Application of TQM Tools and Techniques
-Task 3: Developing Strategies for productivity enhancement in TVET Institution
Action Planning for a TVET QMS Project

-Action Plan for Establishing Framework for TQM in TVET Institution