
Career Guidance and Counseling for TVET

Location : Sanothimi, Bhaktapur, Kathmandu, Nepal /
Duration : 23 March 2009 to 27 March 2009 /
Program Type: In-Country Program  /

The delivery of the program design follows a spiral learning approach, beginning with an overview of core concepts and followed by progressively deeper application of the concepts and finally a self-directed learning approach through action planning.
Special Lecture: The Paradigm Shift: TVET & Employment in 21st Century

Module 1. Career Guidance and Counseling

    - Basic components of Guidance and Counseling programme

    - Career Planning

Module 2. Methodologies and Techniques in Guidance and Counseling

   - Promoting Self- Employment/ Entrepreneurial opportunities for TVET graduates.

   - Strategies and Approaches in Career Vocational Guidance

Panel Discussion on:

Topic: Meeting the Challenges of Career Guidance and Counseling. (Panelists from: Industry, Education and Practicing Counselor)

Project Work:

Preparation of action Plan: Establishing Career Guidance and Counseling services in TVET institutions of Nepal.