Date : Dec. 12-18, 2013 /
Venue : HRDKorea, Incheon, Republic of Korea /
Program Type: Regional Program /
Collaborating Organizations: GIZ, Academy for International Cooperation, Human Capacity Development in TVET / UNEVOC Centre Magdeburg and Global Institute For Transferring Skills (GIFTS) of Human Resources Development Service of Korea, Incheon, Korea /
Main Contents
- Greening TVET as ESD Strategy : Current Concepts, Practices and Future Agenda
- The Green Growth Agenda and TVET Responses: the Korean Experiences
- Green Economy: the New Horizons for Development in Korea
- CPSC Member Country Papers on Initiatives and Practice for Green Growth and country specific TVET system responses
- Action Planning for Greening TVET
Another important part of the program is the conduct of the International Seminar on "Green Growth: The Korean Experience and the International Scenario" which will have a higher participation including the resource persons from local industries in South Korea.